My Pregnancy Journey – Motherhood Diaries #1

I am starting to write this blog entry in the middle of my second trimester. I didn’t have anything significant during my first trimester, but I noticed that during my second trimester, I felt different. I was constantly hit by the hormonal changes in my body a little too late and my emotions are always all over the place.

I cry all throughout the night.

I get easily irritated.

I don’t enjoy the things I usually do before pregnancy.

In short, I was no longer myself. I thought it was normal.

I’m pregnant it must be that. But I have a feeling it is much more than that. I am feeling constantly alone and isolated. My mom kept reassuring me that she was only a call away (she is in the Philippines) but I still feel alone. My partner’s support is no longer enough for me. I can’t even explain how he could help me. I put off consulting with a therapist for a month because I thought every pregnant woman goes through the same process, but I guess not. Some love their pregnancy journey. I never. I like to have a family, don’t get me wrong. I love to do this with my partner. But now that it is here, I feel weird about it. I don’t talk to it. I don’t play music to it. I even call it “IT” even though we already know the gender. 

That’s the point I knew I needed more support emotionally, and mentally.

I was referred to the counselling team at work and I referred myself to the local counselling in my borough. Because I am acknowledging that whatever I am going through is no longer healthy for me and my pregnancy. 

Have you ever gone through the same process?

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